Highland Park High School
Guidance Department
102 N. Fifth Avenue
Highland Park, NJ 08904
p: 732-572-2400 x3006
f: 732-572-3587
CEEB code: 310525
Welcome to Highland Park High School! Please review the following information before completing your registration packet. You will need to submit the following documents with your completed packet:
-Birth Certificate
-Immunization Records
-Lease (If you rent)
If you are living with a Highland Park resident and your name is not on the lease or legal documents showing ownership of the home you will need to obtain the Residency Notificatiom form and have it notarized. This letter must state the owners full name and address, your name and your child's name. You will also need a copy of their lease, deed, title, mortgage statement or property tax assessment to show that they rent or own the home.
If you own a home you can use one of the following documents for proof of residency: deed, title, mortgage statement, property tax assessment.
Within 30 days of the time that you enroll your child you will need to submit three additional proofs of residency that contain a current date, your name and your address. The items listed below are examples of acceptable proofs of residency:
Phone Bill
PSE&G Bill
Cable Bill
Bank Statement
Credit Card Bill
Water Bill
Driver's License
Tax Return
Pay Stub
Failure to provide the additional proofs of residency within 30 days of enrollment could lead to your child's enrollment status being changed to non-resident. Non-residential students must transfer to the appropriate district or pay tuition to continue attending school in Highland Park.
If you are divorced or seperated and custody of the student is shared please provide the school with legal documentation. If you are not the child's parent you will need documents that show that you are the child's legal guardian. It is essential for the safety of the child that the school has any legal documentation that pertains to the student's guardianship or custody. If there are any other issues that you feel the school should be advised of please provide that information as well.
Current report cards, test scores and other academic records are helpful if available (especially if the student is transferring from a foreign country). Please be sure to inform me if your child has previously been enrolled in the Highland Park School District.
If you have any questions or concerns about the registration process, please feel free to contact:
Julia Dewhirst
Highland Park Public Schools Registration
Phone:732-572-2400, ext 3006
Fax: 732-572-3587